Trip Reports
I think on so many things right now and I know only a few will probably understand this trip report.. so every time I dosed in the beginning of my journey I was yelled at by spirits or have my lighters go out when I try and smoke Dmt.. and yelled at by spirits when I eat more fruit than a micro dose.. But I did have one Dmt trip where I talked to alien it was amazing and I asked him why I was having trouble smoking Dmt and he said it's not easy.. long story short I started micro dosing and sometimes I did get yelled at by spirits but I started to kind of understand it more.. lately I been doing little more than micro dosing.. but this was the first time I weighed out a dose.. because I was weighing fruits and noticed some of them weighed more or less than I thought.. so it started when I knew I ate more than a micro dose and but I honestly didn't wanna trip too hard and the spirits showed me they could bring me down and they did but I got the visuals that seem fake.. it made me feel like visuals were tricks for kids.. later I thought wow maybe that was the 2 bit world like old video game world.. fastforward am trying to vape Dmt I had been trying since Christmas Eve.. I finally get a better understanding of how to vape and get a nice hit.. I started seeing a tunnel instantly but it look clear and say superficial now.. fastword my 1.5 trip it felt good and still does I saw some color orbs and maybe like some architecture but I wasn't comming in clear like hazy.. and then my trip felt artificial and fake again.. am like wtf why is my trip like this.. why everytime I try and trip I can't.. later it hit me.. it all goes back to what the alien told me.. it's not easy.. and I start to think about people stories in the community and I realized sometimes it's not easy you gotta keep going.. so am gonna give the spirits some respect and I'll still micro dose but I will be doing more higher doses
Posted in: DMT, Psilocybin