by on May 8, 2019
After a Long time I decide to smoke again today.I had some bad trip 3 weeks ago and I was just to scares to try it again.But today I felt coragous to look behind the veil.
Before I lighted up I was little nervous but why not.
After 2 hits I felt weightles and just close my eyes.there were darknes at first and I was scared,couldnt breath and I just saw a man with houndreds of legs and arms.
HE told me that I dont have to be scared but better for me not to smoke if I dont feel ready.He didnt speak with words but I just understand somehowe what he wants to tell me.
There were with him some people also with a lot of hands and legs.everything was with dark coloures.I was courious after that trip to try it again and wait 20 min.
And the second time It was weird but nice.Finnaly some light and diferent coloures and there were some girl,she showed me her face.
Omg she was so beautiful with tiara on her head.She take me in her room couse she was abouth to tell me something and than before she start to speak one big man came into her room and hide her from me and send me in another eternity full of mirors but I still saw her face in the mirors.It was in the same time beautifull and confusing.
For the and in this eternity was Pegasus with diamond necklaes and something on his head.
He was like from Heaven so peacefull and beautifull.Im little confused couse of that trip with this girl and I want to know what she was trying to tell me.Like she was asking for help.
Maybe next time I will see her again.
But when will be next time that is a question couse after today I dont feel ready to smoke it for a while.And i must say my english is bad
Posted in: DMT