by on September 28, 2020

Hello souls,
Here I would like you to share my last trip that I mention to some of you already, that trip that made me stop with tripping for good time (no no nothing traumatic, you will see in trip report.)

Warm afterrnon, sun in dancing on sthe sky, small white clouds are racing each other to the horizont line. I starting preparations as usual: meditation music, cleaning my room etc. I noticed this preparations are for "slowing down time" around you, its like stoping running train, your mind will start to slow down it processing speed, calming down, prepare for trip. I also trying to put very strong intentencios on this trip. I got this fealing about myself that theres so much to improve.

So todays space ship is 60mg of freebase DMT. My idea is I want to minimize my dosages, cause a lot of substance is left over as residue on pipe when you try to smoke too much dmt. So now I am doing less DMT in one go but rather focusing on cleaning it from bowl.

Here we go Siergiej, prepare the engines! Stage one activation! (bong is ready lighter is ready). 1 hit...  Cosmodrom Baikan, this is pershing 1, how do you read me? We have radio connection! 2nd hit... stage two in progress! monitor the engines status Siergiej! (buzzing and engine noises raising, smoke start coming from under the rocket). Siergiej comrade, boże mój, let the god keep us save! Stage 3 in 3...2...1... 3rd hit! (huge blast from under the rocket move massive air mass as clouds of vapour are pushed around. Baikan we have a lift off!

Last hit was the one doing the trick, I just remmember repeating my intention for this trip. This one gonna be some work on me. I wan to focus on myself on what can I improve, what can I do to evolve, to elevate higher. As I hold the last hit and then exhale it I have only one thoug in my head "This one is about meeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." (matrix mirror scene sounds, cracking digital sounds of colapsing into tyhe fabric of reality).

Boom there I am in this void plane, that contains nothing in particularr. I am not allone, to my right my good old friend is standing, hes standing there some distance from me, hes smilling yet hes not talking with me, he looks to the side, another being is showing up! He's... He'sssss I think he looks little bit like me! Is it me! No, not really. But he is part of me I think, maybe he just took form of me for this moment. Jester looks at me and says "This one gonna be about you as you asked. We gonna do some work on you", and I am like "Yes!".

So copy of me is standing like in a bout or someting, I am sliding in space locked to him, like invisible camera following him, like spectator in video games. Hes drifting along this massive colorfull torn plant or razzerblade wire, like spiki chain made of colors. He drifts with me and he says "Those are your thoughts Some of them are "sick" and are not doing good for you" He stops at one place, reach into the chain of spikes, he opens them like those posters hangers in shops. A single though from chain is show, a though that is a loop. "You see?" - he says - "This negative thought is looping itself, it doesnt take anywhere, it just enclosing you in this harming ring" we carry on. For some time we follow the chain of thoughts as he showing me specific thoughts and explaining to me that the surround me with chain of lopped negative thougts and I am trapped in them stoping me from opening. At the end of trip we leave the chain, and he start explaining more how sould I manage this problem. Its like we together now in the boat drifting the void, only me and him and jester following us silently. He set me a goal I should reach, he showed me a patch and said "You know the direction, you know the patch but to walk it... you need to walk it for yourself, nobody can do this for you! Good luck pal!" Then he gives me thumbs up and dissapears. Jester flies to me smiles waves me and dissapears to. I am back to my body sitting on my sofa.

This maybe not most insenvie trip but it left me with a lot to process. Thats why I stopped tripping for some time as the patch is for me to take alone. Slowly getting there :)