MycyMyc da fungi bunch
by on September 20, 2020
Yellow, red, blue, green- Triangular thin lined geometry- VERY FULL AND VIBRANT for about a 1/4 of a second "this is what I wanted to get back to the entire experience, what I thought at the time would have been the entrance into the breakthrough itself".
Empty space- random dancing lights- purple, blue, green
Basically squiggly lines and circles in a pulsating manner immersing themselves within eachother
A faint Deer made of light jumping, then slowly turning to stare at me
Worm hole, then...
Looks like a black and white skyline with little buildings bubbling up from the ground and then setting the skyline. It's all very small but believe I can make out figures walking. Then suddenly I'm upclose observing a clay people city "seems like I'm above a bubble looking in", it's all gray scale as a 3D animation, very basic. The clay people kind of looked like Gumbie mixed with Minecraft. There are streets, buildings, moving cars and clay figures walking around on sidewalks mostly consistent of geometrical line stairs.
Then I had a 2nd view point of the same street but closer "like looking across the street from the 2nd floor". My gumbie clay people were just going about their days walking around. They didnt have any facial features that I recall.
Then I see a faint image of a blue deer made of lines of light "just the outline" in a drinking stance.
It's almost as if I made out the image and then suddenly it was very clear, fully vivid color.
A beautiful wooded area with a small stream that the deer was peacefully drinking from. It's extremely peaceful and relaxing. Then it's as if I zoom out my point of view about 200 yards. As I'm backing out I see the creek and woods shortly that turn into a lake or inlet surrounded by green wooded mountains. As I'm looking at this I realize that I can manipulate the scenery.
I begin by moving the mountains in closer narrowing the lake/inlet to more of a very wide river, then added deer drinking and taking them away and so on. Note- "The sky is black but everything else is very clear and vibrant".
Then I notice I can change the colors of the mountains and do that. Then it all goes to black and white and the sky lights up between the two mountains and is very much "nebula" like with very brilliant purples, blues, magenta.
This lasted for quite awhile changing more sceneries and the color alternating from the sky being vibrant and everything else black and white to the land being vibrant and the sky being black.
Go wormholing
Then I'm flying down a street of the same gray scale Gumbie world from before. There are buildings on the side of the street and people walking. I'm flying over the street fairly quickly and I could manipulate the road "wider, narrower, wavy, curvy, hills, no hills ect.."
Then wormhole it up again...
I arrived at a set of beautifully made and ornate wood stairs "looked like English Walnut". I begin straight up the stairs as they slowly start in a spiral, subtly getting faster. This process was about 1 minute of going up. I remember thinking "this is taking forever". Then a bright light appears that the stairs are leading to and I thought "yesss, here we go" as the stairs began faster towards the light "I think diety" and suddenly got a feeling of "humor" like it was a joke and someone was messing with me and then the light starts to turn into a wormhole...
It seemed to be in an anticlimactic sense of humor? Like someone enjoyed messing with me but I didnt seem to mind at all and just moved on.
The worm hole turns to green and the lines have triangles with eyes in them. I think I may have seen the wormhole turn into an image of a face "masculine energy with long hair" but I'm unsure. Then the spiral turns into a triangular gyroscope type shape with an eye in center. Then I zoom into the eye and...
It was as if I was standing in an empty void with giant clips of movie reels and scenes passing passing by. I only remember 2 of the scenes.
1st, I vividly remember a workshop setting of what looked like a silhouette working on a guitar on his work bench. "It was black and white and very fluid"
Then a very vivid scene of a hill with a white bunker hatch on it surrounded by mountains. There are two men wearing black suits assisting an elderly lady climb up the ladder and step out onto the grass. She slowly turns around and looks at the scenery "seems very calm and at peace"
"The scenery was in fact the mountain/river/lake scenery I had created earlier but from a different perspective higher up on a mountain looking down at what I had created"
Note- The old lady was wearing a light pink 60's wool jacket and cream colored dress with those little hats with lace on it. Looked like a queen from across the pond.
Then wormhole again
Now I'm in a black void with what appears to be a white glowing wall on my right. I get a huge flash again of the Brilliant Yellow, red, blue, green triangular geometry like from the very beginning. It's what I've been searching for!
It's as if it's on the other side of the white glowing wall and I'm trying to get in. I bounce back and forth with about 5 flashes trying to get in there. Then I remember going up and down the wall as if looking for another way in "I remember thinking, why are there no people around?". Then, I had a feeling that I passed an entity as I was speeding down the wall. I go back and have my first encounter.
A blue entity standing by the wall. This was very basic in appearance. Up against the white light wall it was just a "parabola" of subtle blue light.
I've named the enity "blue douche" as he was obviously the jokester.
I got a comical sense that I couldn't go in from Blue Douche and I was like "wtf bro, I wanna go in" and all I felt was a sense of humor about it just like from the stairs encounter. So, I believe this entity was messing with me. It was all "light" humor...see what I did there... All very peaceful and I didnt care at this point because I saw...
A pink and blue water colored gumpy looking creature and it was as if he was peaceful and friendly. Since the blue douche wouldn't let me in, my water colored friend took me to his dimension.
Wormhole of water color purples, blues, pinks
I arrive to a 2 dimensional pencil drawing world covered in bold water color of purples, blues, pinks. Viewing from street level immersed in all the flowing colors and peaceful creatures walking around. Creatures are gumpy and sad looking but very peaceful and vibrant beings.
Then I got disrupted and came out of it.
Lasted about 30 minutes