by on December 19, 2020
Sunset has just finished up and I was really ready to take it to the next level. Unfortunately it got darker as It had kicked in so I did miss the sunset. But what ended up happening was crazy. I had thought it had kicked in the first 10minutes and I thought I peaked at 30. In reality it kicked in at 20 minutes and 30in felt intense. At this point I realized I was keepinf emotion in so I called up my friend Jacob. We listened to music for my come up and I turned my black lights on enjoyed the music the trippy posters. But then everything had changed. My vision INSTANTLY zoomed out I was now watching myself trip in the third person. I distinctly remember touching the floor without bending down mind you I am 6foot. So many things had happened at once and I remember just laying on the bed mind fucked at the thought that we could be bubbles in a frying pan and that’s our reality today. I then knew it was gettin crazy so I took a a shower. In the shower I hit a thought loop. With deep knowledge of mental and psychological issues and how that should work I had convinced myself that my conscious talking to me was schizophrenic and it was a voice. I needed up breaking the thought loop but the night had kinda ended stressfully and tiredly trying to get over that. Next day I didn’t feel as bad of a seratonin drop a s usual but was defiantly still there
2 people like this.
Thats a solid name brother, is it from Stephen Kings "pet cemetery"?
Like December 19, 2020