Michael the moon man
by on May 7, 2019
So I've always been told DMT will come into your life when you're ready and not eager to take it, that's what happened.
And before I start, I'm using dimensions, entity's and words of the like to describe what I saw, but words can't fully describe what I experienced.
I got back to California yesterday from Hawaii, where I did a tab of LSD, and my cousins boyfriend offered me DMT, and I smoked some.
I started with a small amount, to see if I enjoyed the way it made me feel, which I did. So I smoked more, and started seeing fractals on the wall. I then closed my eyes and say very distinct fractals. I watched them for awhile and then decided to smoke more, and hold it in for as long as possible. After I exhaled and closed my eyes, I saw a scroll made of light, for lack of a better term. The scroll then started to unravel in front of me, the scroll then turned into eyes, and I saw an inter dimensional reptile. The inter dimensional reptile then morphed into colors I never thought I could see, and I felt like my soul was traveling through hyperspace where I met the machine elf entity's in their folding plain. They showed me a lot about myself, but I can't remember exactly what.
I then remember seeing more beautiful colors, and I opened my eyes and the whole room, and my cousins boyfriend, looked like a Picasso painting.
We talked for a bit and then he went to bed. After he went to bed I forgot how to be human, but I remembered to breathe and remind myself that everything is okay and it's all part of the process.
After awhile I came to my senses and was completely amazed with what I saw.
I don't remember EVERYTHING and will update if more memories come, and I'll try my best to describe them. If you made it this far thank you for reading, have a nice day ;)
Edit: More of the trip is coming back. Before I saw the light scroll after I closed my eyes, I saw the top of my head. Then it felt like my consciousness went up a level and that's when I saw the light scroll
And after I met the machine elf's, they showed me around and I saw pillars made of the King's, queens and jacks of cards. Will update more if/when it comes to me.
Posted in: DMT
Topics: dmt trip