by on August 15, 2020
I just did dmt for the first time, i don't honestly know how much i did at once through my necter collector, but after one hit i had to tell my husband to grab the necter collector as I basically melted into the bed, i then seen what looked like a Egyptian smoking from a necter collector but it felt like I was swimming and looking at myself, it got bigger and bigger, spinning like a vortex and hearing like a scream from a guitar in the background and before I knew it I was puking on the bed, i heard my husband ask if I was okay and I did everything I could to say yes and he asked again and again I said yes and then he noticed I had puked, hearing him say you puked and the worry in his voice i opened my eyes and looked at our fucking magical tapestry and immediately closed my eyes it was so intense. I couldn't handled watching the tool videos, i had a hard time walking to the bathroom.
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Alx8721 i believe your comment got cut off
Like August 15, 2020
I think what made me puke is we mixed dmt with harmaline
Like August 15, 2020
Burnt dmt tastes like burnt plastic to me almost made me puke first time doing it cause I had it to hot
Like August 15, 2020
Like August 15, 2020