Trip Reports
Howdy ho! I've been a long studying student under Home Mycology and probably the sum of all YT content Terence McKenna salvaged from the 20th century and I've been working hard to experience this "transcendental object at the end of time" he professed, and it led me down a rabbit hole to this group where I was further empowered by the information you've graciously provided to get the show on the road so to speak. By the grace of two tubs (1 contammed out APER, and a partially lost tub of Ecuadorian Cubes) I was able to get a miesly yield of somewhere around 11 grams dry from 3 mushrooms as well as a .3 yield from the first A/B extraction I tried. I brought this with me to a vacation with a couple friends and ended up splitting the deems in half first with a friend and the winds of the lake we were doing this at knocked most of my .07 out while I was smoking to where I then tried to add more and stalled out in my first dmt experience having literally just sat back, heard my friends silently talking, and twitched while I had poor, almost watered down visuals that died as soon as I realized how I had just fucked up. My friend on the other hand had the rest and tripped for 9 minutes with intense REM and encountered an Eye that spoke to him in 24 languages at once and told him, "This is all for now..." and woke up. I chalked this up to poor circumstance and waited hours until it was near midnight and decided to take the half of our single monster cube (3.75g) and chomp it down with some rue so it would be more intense. I waited 45 minutes (and so did everyone else), nothing happened... I said well maybe it's them not me so I chose to meditate on the dock away from the crowd, still nothing. Something told me to go inside so I went inside, laid down and kept my eyes open. Still nothing, and before I knew it my friends were in the room to check up on me and I had fallen asleep from the nothingness. The next morning my friend ate his cap from the shroom, lemon-tekked it and ate it with harmaline (and he ate before hand too) and drifted into a nigh 6 hour trip that had him have such an intense experience I'd have to have him try to recall under an hour of it over the course of a night to scratch the surface. I'm doing dmt again but wont be able to do shrooms again in some time, which is a shame considering I've only ever experienced 2.5 during a ufc ppv...
Posted in: DMT, Psilocybin
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