by on July 26, 2020
[Last week]
I usually only microdose but I wanted to chill and try to experience some visuals. After taking 3x300mg and 1x150mg cap I chilled waiting about 1hr30 until I felt anything, I rolled a spliff and smoked it in my garden, went back to my room, put some music on and put a black mask over my eyes and boom. Instant burst of bright green and some red lines everywhere, my CEV were just like black hole nets, going through tunnels and being shown objects created and all these lines falling into a black hole in the floor.
About 3 hours in i kept closing my eyes randomly and chilled, at one point I kept seeing a babys face just duplicate and move past me, this was weird as I didnt see any other visuals apart from bright lines and this face of a baby but I thought nothing of it. A week later (today) I find out my girlfriend is 5 weeks pregnant, im so excited and so scared.
Posted in: Psilocybin, Cannabis
Topics: trip
14 people like this.
Like July 27, 2020
Like July 27, 2020
Like July 28, 2020
Congrats! I had a similar vision having sex with my partner on mushrooms then a few weeks later found out I was pregnant!
Like July 29, 2020 Edited