by on July 14, 2020

My last trip was the night that Trump made the big announcement about the COVID-19 pandemic and the USA - so it was March 12th-ish. At any rate, my environment changed majorly as a result, mostly through giving me no alone time until July 6. Though one day sometime in May I was able to take a gram of dried just to keep new neural connections alive or continuing to form, I wasn't able to trip again until Wednesday, July 7, 2020. 

It was early in the morning, between 7:00 - 8:00 AM. I first got out 2 grams, then pulled out another 1.25 grams. I didn't lemon tek the first 2 grams because I forgot to. But after I stirred and seeped it in hot water for 20 minutes, the water barely changed color (I used about 1/3 cup of water). I drank it, thirty minutes passed and I barely felt a difference so that's why I added the additional 1.2 grams using lemon and tea tek. I started to feel a bit nauseous so I used a sativa edible and vape. I knew it would affect the mushrooms trip, but I have mixed the two before and it's softened my mushroom trips...which is exactly what I ok for. As a side note, I think that there's a loss of amount of psilocybin whenever we have to strain out the fruit. So though I tek'd 3.25 G, I think I got less - like somewhere between 2.6 - 3.0 G psilo.

Because I get an allertgic reaction to the shrooms (even through strained tea), I took a Benadryl and Sudafed before using the shrooms (I know, I know...but I really needed to take them to prevent the overblown reactions my histamine receptors incite because of mushrooms). It worked. I had a quarter of Provigil in me too because I didn't plan on using shrooms that day and I just needed to be awake since 5 AM. Then I found out I'd be home alone for at least the next 7 - 8 hours so I siezed the opportunity to use shrooms, but not a very high dose so I'd be lucid by the time I needed to be. I didn't feel like the provigil had any effect on the mushroom trip. 



The trip didn't start to peak until about an hour in. I was getting very emotional and reactive to memories and insights. I was able to speak with a dead relative and get more insight on my past and my family. I was shown my far future in my 80s and reuniting with someone long-lost. For the next level, instead of meeting with the "healers" I met  with a "diagnostitician" first instead who was able to remotely show me how to do my own body scan before I took off to another dimension. All was clear so a dimension opened that I was able to appear in without any transition. About an hour later, I got more visuals and my popcorn ceiling started coming animated and very alive. It moved around like the dartos muscle (the muscle that lines the testicles, haha), but it made discerning shapes and symbols unlike the trusty dartos. 

I cried during my trip because I had to get in touch with several issues of my past that need to be resolved. The messages were generally positive and encouraging. I was told to look forward to more synchronicity and revelations until I could trip again. One of the  messages before my trip ended was that the mushroom was going to start to work in multiple periods of time in my life simultaneously. Like, a future mushroom trip would visit my present during lucid state in order to make sure things fall into place during my next big trips. 

After the trip ended and all the visuals were gone, I looked at my ceiling - static and silent - then I smiled and said to it, "Who are you kidding? I saw you alive and kicking!" 

I'm finally at a point where more connectivity is making sense and my mind is starting to change in a way that I can finally feel hope again. Life has been shit (and shit on top of shit) for the past 7 years or so, and so has my mental and emotional state as a result. Slowly but surely, since I started using mushrooms in January (or was it November? I have to check)... a clearance is taking place. I've been holding on to so many emotional memories, wounds, and muck that I have to let go of. Some are easier to let go of than others, and with others yet, I'll need more help from shrooms. I feel like I'm ready for other psychedelics like ayahuasca or mescaline, but with travel restrictions and the state off the world, I know that all I have to do is wait for life to happen and the right plant medicines will cross paths with me at the right time. It might be a few years or right around the corner... I'm patient. (BTW, to the admins: rest assured I'm not sourcing or searching...I'm just sharing revelations).

I look forward to my next big trip. I plan on a heroic dose, but if I have to take another smaller dose, that's good too. I'm hoping I can do it within July 2020, and hopefully at night when there are less noises, distractions, and bustling around me. 

Thanks for reading, I know I rambled but I wanted to jot down what I felt were important before and afters too. 

Posted in: Psilocybin, Cannabis, Other