by on June 15, 2020
Well, they do say "once you break through, you'll know it". It's same with 5-Meo as it turns out. My ego death came from a very small dose, it was unexpected and sudden. Perhaps after a while medicine finally decided i was ready to see. Perhaps there was residue from previous person that didn't burn all the way through? Or maybe it was just my time to venture there.
I loaded up 65mg of toad venom, in comparison to pure 5meo it's about 6mg-10mg of lab grade stuff. I planned to have "meditative amount" which i have done in the past. My friend was holding the pipe, I lit it up inhaled a lung full, and held my breath, and exhaled slowly....
What happened next i cannot describe in detail. Intensity of being ripped apart in what I can call a cosmic orgasm can't be put into words. I faintly remember screaming on top of my lungs as i was taken over by something so powerful that i never experienced before.
Next thing that my mind recorded was me (or whatever was left of me), landing into pure Nirvana. Something that was very unusual for 5meo was very visually colorful circular mandala that was universe itself, God, Buddha, Brahman, Tao.... Although i saw it visually, i also knew that it was me, we were not separate from each other. It was the end and beginning of all things, existing at same time in perfect harmony.
There was no birth and no death, there was no questions and no answers, there was nothing waiting to be accomplished, it was moving and yet standing still, it was darkness yet made of pure light... It was an experience of great perfection.
I was there for 1 second or perhaps a 1000 years, but eventually my body and my speech started manifesting. My friend who was watching my body while i was away, said first whisper out of my mouth was "This is Nirvana... Without a doubt, end and beginning of all things."
I started hearing the guiding bell my friend was playing and opened my eyes. Whole room was still vibrating, but i had my bearings. I sat and kept whispering: "My god, my god, my god... Life will never be same again. Omg, please stay, please stay with me, please stay with me forever". My friend sat next to me and gave me a firm hug.
I walked outside, there was a girl whom i sent off "into Nirvana" before i went there myself. I walked up to her gave her a hug, then once we separated from a long embrace, we just looked at each other smiling. We were both thinking "I see you and i know that you know". There was nothing to be said to relay that.
I went around back yard hugging all my other friends that did not partake in the ceremony that day, and whispered to every single one "thank you for existing, this world is a bit brighter because you are in it". Some cried, i cried, Sun rays were covering all of us, air smelled like fresh cut grass, and everything just was. It was a first time i experienced what it means to be truly happy.
I know to people who have not experienced such, this story will not mean as much and perhaps might even sound ridiculous. But I believe every person must experience this during their lifetime and i will weep for those that never will.
Posted in: 5-MeO-DMT
Topics: bufo
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No, or at least my sitter didn't notice such. I was breathing in deep and screaming out loud, that much was relayed to me. I faintly remember screaming before i blanked out. I know when you watch Octavio Rettig doing ceremonies on YouTube, there are some ppl who have trouble breathing, at least fr... View More
Like June 19, 2020
I wouldn't worry about it that much. Most damages during ceremonies come from negligence of the sitter. Like person rolling into something and banging their head into furniture, or perhaps a rock if smoking in the forest. Or perhaps rolling into the water when smoking on a beach. I see videos wher... View More
Like June 19, 2020