by on May 12, 2020
The other night I ate 3g of cubensis. I ate them with a friend but we soon went to seperate rooms which gave me opportunity to sit in silent darkness and listen to what the universe had to say to me. I became one with all that has ever been and all that will ever be. I vibrated with the energy of mountains as well as the stars. I felt every emotion possible and realized how connected we all are. I was shown the wiring under the board and came to the realization that our universe isn't the only one around. I came out of this a new person. The depression I've been feeling for months, the thoughts of suicide all shed off of me. The weight of what's been going on in my life lifted from my shoulders and I can breath again. This experience has also shown me my path. When I return home I'm checking myself into rehab and then dedicating my life to helping others with depression and addiction. I was put on this Earth to help others, I see it as clear as day. This right here is my first step, to come out of the darkness of a double life, own up to who I am and my actions. So, hello everyone, my name's Brad and I'm a methamphetamine addict. Working very hard at not being one anymore. Love you all and thanks for listening.
Posted in: Psilocybin
38 people like this.
Change your surroundings and who you associated with that stuff and it will become a little easier. That stuff can give you all the emergy in the world but lets be honest...we would waste it all looking for more or sitting in a bathroom trying to chase that high. And its never really enough. I hope ... View More
Like May 19, 2020
Clear as day! Good luck and best regards to you, man.
Like May 28, 2020
Very nice helping others will help you stay clean as you will be more accountable to them and yourself. Stay strong
Like June 5, 2020
You can do this!
Like June 14, 2020