by on April 21, 2020
OMG. That's what came to my mind right after i inhaled the huge hit from my dab rig. I bought the rig about 3 weeks ago and have been teaching myself how to burn the nail just right. After a few fail attempts I gave it another try early this morning after my overnight shift. So I gather my supplies and I get comfy in my bed. I loaded the exact amount to lift off and i eye balled the amount that i needed. (note to self, I need to start weighing it because honestly i think i put too much). Lol anyways so i start heating up my nail to prepare it for lift off. It gets to the temperature and i added the magic. I inhaled and BOOM! I automatically thought to myself, fuck, Jillian, you did too much because now you're fucking dying. I know the feeling all to well about DMT taking your breathe away, but holy fuck, DMT took my whole being away. I literally felt like i was dying. I know longer existed and i remember thinking, i don't want to go anymore and whatever was with me was saying, well too late because u already did it. Lol so right after i heard or felt that, I let go and just let it be. Now this is the part what i can't remember. I can't remember the ending of my trip, it's super foggy but i was just floating around in nothing. Lol so when i came back to my body i was shocked that i wasn't dead and i was surprised it was only because i was on DMT. Like i forgot i even smoked it and that i was on a trip. It was fucking insane. So there's is that, I'm pretty sure i had a ego death experience and im excited to go back and this time, im going to remember everything! Oh and I'm going to weigh my next dosage! Lol
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I love you more!!
Like April 22, 2020
That kind of cry is real, i experience it once in a while when i suffer cardiac arrest and wake back up. I just cry because i realize what just happened.
Like April 22, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Heehhee 1f642.png
Like April 23, 2020