by on January 31, 2020
How goes it noticed there’s no peyote or none came up when I quick search peyote so I wanted to share one of my peyote ceremony. This one was my third Cermoney I had drank 6 cups threw the day and kept all 6 cups done witch’s is pretty impressive this happened on the winter solstice the shortest day about noon I was hit with heavy visuals the sky started dancing with some of the most colorful orbs of orange reds and ocean blue it was transcending I felt one with creators I then saw wolfs howling and then cats howling then the two merged right then and there the spirts named me howling cat it was profound makes me smile feel warm thinking back on that moment I’ve sat with the great creator three time but this time it felt like she was with me I felt mother Gaia love her present I felt love I felt one with all it felt like she was hugging my soul like the love from your mom but infinitely more love sorry mom love your hugs still lol but it was amazing time night came and thing got real fourth dimensional but I feel like that’s a story for another time but where I go for ceremony is New Haven Native American Church I’m currently working on becoming a medicine man and becoming an adoptive member love love love 
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I ate peyote buttons years ago in the woods at night and had a profound experience. I had what was called synthetic mescaline before that and it was outstanding, but it may have actually been pure quality LSD. At that time most LSD in my area was poor quality and undesireable.
Like February 2, 2020
Peyote my favorite i finley tried the family recipy it was amazing
Like February 2, 2020
I’m a member of the church of the morning star here in Oregon. Love sitting up in the teepee all night singing peyote songs
Like October 30, 2021