by on January 23, 2020

I decided to up my microdose to 0.25 g (up from 0.10 g). Plus, because I'm so wild and crazy (LOLOLOLOL) I decided to get the most out of my updose by letting my shroom portion sit in lemon juice for 30 minutes. That was 3.5 hours ago. Now, as I write this, I'm giddy, a little shakey, nauseous, yawning, and deffo a little buzzed from this tiny dose. Overall, I'm elated, hopeful, and I love you all. No extra visuals and my taste buds are turned off by any processed food (something the last big trip I had a month ago is helping with!). Just thought I'd share what a tiny dose change could do. Mush love!

Posted in: Psilocybin
14 people like this.
I agree, but I just wanted a boost without taking a trip.
Like February 4, 2020
Midrodosing is a tricky balance for me. It took me a while (6-7 tries) to find a good dose. Overall, I've found the lower the better. It's helped me let go of some things I held on to for years.
Like February 4, 2020