by on April 21, 2019

< 0.100 DMT Vaproized on cannabis

chaotic atmosphear, hidden in my room. I close the door and begin to venture through the veil. As im hauced over the side of my bed, there is a entity that appears in my lap and convays the message

"the gift of sanctuary, is of the highest on the mortal plane. To be able to close a door and create peace even as choas surrounds you, is only achieveable in the lower dimensions of the 3ed in which we can minipulate condensed energys such as matter. Beyond, everything is push and pull, cause and effect, you cannot hide when you are shifting in energetic feilds. There is no silence, there is no peace, only constant change. Find time to close the door and be quiet as often as you can, as when you are gone from here, you will never have solice the same. Any temple can be created behind a closed door"

End transmission.