Matthew Robbins
by on January 6, 2020
Now. I’m not smart. At all but I’m very interested in being spiritually connected so I bought a 4.5 g of shroom capsules and and it took about a hour or two later. I thought I wasn’t feeling shit. But then it hit me like a goddamn truck and was tripppping. My ears kept making these high frequency sound waves and my brain convinced me thinking I was about too have a seizure but I didn’t. I couldn’t even watch trippy videos like manderblots because this high pitch or screech in my ear would happen if I would start tripping. But another hour comes by and it stops. So I get my dogs with me so I can feel connected with them as I was thinking they were going along this trip with me so I felt safe and comfortable. I pet my dog and my hand sank through my dog and my dog looks at me like my hand was going straight through her and we both laughed. Weird. So I made me something too eat and it tasted like heaven when it was just cheesy quesadillas lol. Then I layed down and just stared at my ceiling and wall for the rest of the trip and just watching it move all over the place. It was so satisfying I was drooling. The next day. I told my friend and said I did 4.5 gs of shrooms and she said that wasn’t a safe idea too so because I could of have a very bad trip. But I’m very used to taking LSD. I’m just happy I wasn’t ego death. Please please let me know if you did shrooms and heard a loud pitch or like a high frequency wave going through ears that makes it feel like your ear drums are literally about too burst.
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Matthew Robbins
*note* i also wanted to be doing spiritual things but i tripped so hard i forgot wtf i was gonna do before hand
Like January 6, 2020
The first thing i get is the high pitched sound in my ears, its how i know its started, every time i take shrooms, this happens
Like January 6, 2020
Sometimes i notice the frequency of this vibration change towards the end of or after my trip.
Like January 7, 2020
Headknock Howie
I hear a faint sound of violin’s but it wasn’t a big fise like you took.
Like January 13, 2020