by on December 11, 2019

Set and setting: My long time friend and psychonaught and I. In my apartment somewhere in the Midwest. Pandora playing my Pigeons Playing Ping Pong station. 

We got to the apartment around 6 pm, I had the turkey cooked and ready. I also had thrown 10 grams of pins in a blender and i soaked them in 120 ml of 100 proof vodka. Soaked for 4 hours prior to our arrival. After straining out solids we were left with right around 100 ml extract. We each did a 20 ml shot mixed with lemonade. 

After that we went out to the garage for a heavy 420 sesh and few games of darts while we waited on the sides to finish up and the boomers to kick in. Within 20-30 my buddy looks at me and says “damn bro, I can already feel this shit kicking in” to which I responded with a maniacal smile from ear to ear. I was feeling it too, very pure and clean. With out the normal stomach stuff that comes along with shrooms. 

By the time we finished eating we were really going hard for what I calculated as 2 grams. Lots of laughter, colors were much brighter, and made for some great conversation. We went out to smoke another joint and play another game of darts. Visuals were definitely going strong still, wood grain was doing its wood grain thing I love so much! Lol. 

We went back inside and we both decided to each take another 30 ml extract. After that we did some dabs and talked music for a bit. It was approaching midnight, and I knew he had to work the next day. I said hey wanna check out something I’ve been working on? He said “sure thing”, so I pulled out a Pyrex dish outta the freezer chock full of crystals that had separated from the naphtha. So I drew I put the non polar solution, threw in back in the freezer upside down, then pulled it back out for final evaporation. We sat and watched as everything came to right before our very eyes. Being high as shit on mushrooms made it even more incredible! 

Now we are left with a tray full of beautiful white first pull spice. So we bust out my rig and load up a razor blade full of D and he goes first. After 2 pulls he sat back, I said do one more “take the third hit”. He did and sat back again. I loaded up another load for myself. 1...2...3................


Now this being my first ever extraction and only having smoke dmt once before (low grade, older, improperly stored). I had no idea what to expect. As I went to take my 3rd rip everything went solid colors. My rig was green and my arms were yellow and the table was red. I held it together during the vibration and was able to pull a final rip. I payed back and slowly let it out. 

I don’t know if I “broke through” but I was gooooooooooone. I looked over and my buddy had 6-8 faces and the table cloth on the kitchen table turned from cactus’s to what appeared to me as The game frogger. Weird, I know. Everything looked digital or like an old nes game. I closed my eyes and it was like it didn’t even matter. I I felt like time and space was completely irrelevant and I kept saying “I did this, can you fucking believe it?” And “this isn’t even fucking real”. I felt amazing, I felt like I was something greater than my own self. This trip seemed to go on and on. If I had to guess I’d say like 15-20. After we could stand up and function to a degree. I looked at him and said “I’m going back in” again we took 3 to the dome. And we both were right back were we had been before. 

We had the best time ever and then we smoked a few joints while waiting for the lingering visuals and disoriention to wear off. And I took him home. 

I haven’t smoked a cigarette since that night! Idk if that’s a thing, but I’m super excited about it. I just had no more desire to kill myself like that. No cravings, no nothing, just done with it. 

Posted in: DMT, Psilocybin
8 people like this.
Yeah @Luke_Skwalker. This year. It was great. Weren’t you the one who did the tripsgiving post the day before? Good stuff, hope you don’t mind I borrowed your terminology and f it was you. Lol
Like December 12, 2019
T'was I. Not my terminology though. Although I appreciate the props, I'm sure someone's used it before me. I'm just glad it caught on. Way better than friendsgiving ;P I myself did not get anything but a few days of micro dosing different substances. Today however, FINALS ARE OVERRRRR and I am tr... View More
Like December 12, 2019 Edited
Congratulations! Been there, time to celebrate!
Like December 12, 2019
Agreed, I don’t think it was a breakthrough either. There’s always next time! Lol
Like December 12, 2019