by on November 26, 2019
Hello DMT World Family,
Today I wanted to Renewal my Mind and Clean my thoughts with a nice dose this morning. Just right away after woke up. To not give ego the advantage to strategize. I when Outside same place as yesterday. And hit my Yucon wish is fantastic device I got lunch after the second hit...I can't get a third hit because I was already lock in place. My ears start to pitch that ring noise and then a empty air or a noise reduction and boom. I the wuu conciousness noise of my Pineal, I began again start feel it that is working to process the chemicals. And I got a little anxious and as I breath I feel that sensation that I was living the same fear over and over again. And something I will say the Medicine Start talking thru my ego. And told me 'your mind is a vast place and what have you experience now' and there my vision expanded like panoramic view and I feel a rush coming to the top of my forehead and a warm and tickling sensation. The Pineal is working even more and better than yesterday. And I experience this thing I keep hearing myself saying. Your mind is what you need to expand...expand your mind. And everytime I blink I expanded my mind and give myself to the medicine. A squirrels that I saw start running towards a tree right in from of me. And then I realized it ! I'm expanding my horizons and awhile I having this amazing euphoric epiphany this squirrel run towards me, climb on top of my tool chop and dance (running on circles) and I'm telling myself or the medicine Is telling me your mind, your brain is expanding....and I expanded even farther and I bend the tree.
I believe we are in a program and we are testing something is unknown to us. But of course that is me just saying....
I know what I felt as you guys know what you felt. You experienced and is real because you experience. AMD I told you it felt like very real to me that I was expanding and breaking thru the fabric of reality.
Shout out to the vendor E.E.S this wouldn't be possible if wasn't for this vendor. Good quality bark and fast shipment. Thank you guys for making this community possible and we can share this amazing experience that are life changing. God Bless you all
Posted in: DMT
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