Mikka Likka High
by on November 9, 2019

Had previously tried vaporizing dimethyltryptamine on a few separate occasions, to not much avail. Upon research I learned that it could be converted with lemon juice to become orally active after ingestion of a MAOI(Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor?), so I proceeded to locate some syrian rue seeds, 3 grams worth to be exact, that I ground in a coffee grinder and put into some 00 size capsules. Took the Rue caps and waited around 40-45 minutes, then I prepared the Dimitri by putting into a shot glass and adding a little lemon juice. 20 minutes later I drank the shot glass, had a thought that nothing would happen, and didn't particularly want to waste my last dose of syrian rue, so figured I would add some Psilocybe Cubensis Var. Penis Envy to the mix, 7 grams worth. I'm STILL, even more than a year later foggy on the exact time frame of effects/happenings, but bear with me as I try, (this is the first time I'm typing it anywhere.) It was EXTREMELY incapacitating, I didn't leave my bed for very long, just long enough as the effects were coming on to go on a ride around the block(with a sober driver-my wife), and smoke some cannabis (ALWAYS the first thing I do when beginning a "trip", little did I know this would be like NO OTHER "trip" I've went on BEFORE or SINCE. About mid-way through the ride, (this was around 12:30-1:00am) It was as if an unseen hand reached down and RIPPED the roof of the car completely free, revealing a bright blue sunny sky, completely visible as if it were 12hrs earlier in the day. Upon arriving back at our apartment (on the 3rd floor), I was flustered to discover I couldn't walk up stairs so I crawled as best I could, finally getting back into the "safety" of home.. To the bed I went, becoming more or less unresponsive(which rather worried my wife). In my mind I could see myself lying in a hospital bed(from above like I was looking down from the ceiling) with wires/tubes coming out of me, could feel my wife rubbing my back trying to get me to acknowledge ANYTHING, but all I could hear/see were these "doctors" telling her there was nothing more that could be done, that they'd exhausted any resuscitation efforts possible, which proceeded to freak me out quite a bit, and when I tried to turn and run, I went UP and OUT of our apartment into the cold black night air. This surprised and amazed me, and I kind of started to fly around and explore and look into different places, but then I became scared that I was going to become lost from my "real" body, or that "the doctors" would assume it being lifeless and empty to be the same as "gone" and might dispose of me. Then every person I've ever known or even halfway cared about flashed through my mind and I envisioned them getting the news that "I'd finally done it" and "wouldn't be returning to this earthly prison", and it really made me sad/angry as I wasn't ready to leave or to be forced out. I would try to scream at these people, trying to let them know that I was still here, just "trapped" behind this clear wall like structure, where no one could hear/see me. Whenever I would beat my fists on "the veil" no sounds were made, but rather multi-colored rings much like skipping rocks on the surface of water. WATER... That's what's wrong with me, I'm dehydrated.. Forced myself to get up, go to kitchen, make some ice water(A VERY difficult task in that state), but luckily grounded me enough to realize I was simply on some type of substance, and with ABUNDANT reassurance from my wife, I was made aware that I'd be back to "normal" by the morning and would be able to go to work, like I'd never been gone. This was the most profound experience of my life on any substance I think I've ingested, Have had NO desire to utilize DMT since, and also haven't forgotten to LOVE what you LOVE now, and make it KNOWN always, because we're not going to be able to be heard or seen forever... Love you whoever you are, and you are not alone.

Posted in: DMT, Psilocybin
24 people like this.
T rex ophora
Intense! That must have been quite the wake up. Life is precious and so often we disconnect from the now and lose ourselves to thought. Shake ups like this have a way of refocusing us on the important things. I think this is a great lesson for others though that pharmahuasca mixed with shrooms may ... View More
Like November 13, 2019 Edited
holy shit
Like November 9, 2019
lol sorry man I was laughing out lowd but I know the feeling lol
Like November 14, 2019