by on October 14, 2019
Photo was taken during a shrooms trip today, but the edits were inspired by a trip I had at home last weekend. About an hour into the trip I started feeling a more connected type of energy radiating from the different forms of life around me. First it was the tall trees and grass outside my window - the trees looked like they were out of a fairy tale book, super defined and distinct from one another and they were giving off a strong presence. Then it started to feel like I was witnessing the grass growing up out of the ground, or something like that. Sounds weird but it seemed like I could feel that it was alive and growing, and that it hasn’t always been there. Next, the plants inside my house started to “come to life”, or rather started to make me aware of the fact that they are actually alive. We have a tall wide majesty palm in the corner of our living room, and it suddenly felt like it was calling my attention. Not with real words or anything like that, more just with energy. Then slowly, one by one, each of the other house plants in the room started vibrating as if to make me aware of its presence - we have about 10-15 in this room so it was a pretty powerful feeling. I started feeling super irresponsible for not tending to them as often or as best as I probably should but that subsided after Made a mental note to water them the next day. And then finally, my attention was brought to one of my two dogs (the beagle in this photo). He was sitting on his bed over in the corner of the room, and right as I looked over at him I suddenly felt such a strong sense of innocence, joy and love surrounding him. It was different than just my typical loving obsession with him - it really felt like there was a field of energy or light coming off of him that I could now sense or perceive in a new way. I could feel how this little being has never tried to cause harm to anyone, and that all of his actions or behaviors come from a place of true innocence. I got up and started petting him and could feel his comforting energy beneath my hand, and I told my husband that he is such a “pure spirit”. Those words felt like the best way to describe it at the time. Anyway, I thought this was a pretty cool aspect of my trip so wanted to put it out there. Definitely something I hope to experience again!
Posted in: Psilocybin
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Your feeding of your dog energy
Like November 3, 2019