by on September 10, 2019
Apologies in advance for the typos
This is my report of the substance DOM.
DOM is in my personal opinion the greatest psychedelic I have ever consumed.
This was also one of Alexander Shulgins favorite chemicals.
Here is a good link to learn more about it for those who are not familiar:
I have done quite a bit of psychedelics and am comftorable with how I dose and the intensity i go for. With that being said how I chose to dose this specific chemical is NOT reccomended for anyone wishing to try it. It is very sharp dose response curved and you could easily overwhelm yourself.
With DOM you are supposed to take no more than 2.5mg your first time as some people are very sensitive to it.
However the first time I took it I consumed a 5mg blotter. It was very bitter and metallic. After about 1.5 hours I got average psychedelic effects. Something that for most people would have been wonderful.
However I have always taken large doses of psychedlics and was dissapointed in the experience.
So one week later i did something which I must again stress i do not reccomend. I took 15mg. As I was waiting for the come up I was taking a shower as the first effects came upon me. The first visual distortions and noticing your body seems a different size. As it kicked up the water started feeling amazing but I had no idea what was about to unfold. I first encountered a 2D rabbit hopping around the porcelain side of the bathtub in great vividity. With other psychedelics even intense visuals are more abstract instead of object based visuals so I was rather suprised
Out of the falling water droplets fully featured cosmic faces started emerging amd my mind started being blown. I knew I was coming up hard and no longer desired to be in the shower. As I got out my balance was off and I felt surges of energy flow through my body. When I spoke it sounded choppy like when you speak through a fan. My ability to recognise the construcs of social meaning started to crumble. I got on the computer and started to listen to music. During this time I got onto a skype call with a friend from australia who had done DOM before and I also had joined tripsit to communicate if need be as I was taking a large dose of a little known substance and wanted to track my vitals if need be.
Ended up being worthless as if something had happened there was no way i could have typed anything coherent out. I originally started getting worried as I felt these hugely intense waves of energy rip through my body and I couldnt tell what it was. Luckily my friend that had experience with DOM told me it was the amphetamine rushes from it being an amphetamine based substance. This substance is similar to mescaline in the way it comes in waves. This was important for me to recognise at the time for had I not known this beforehand and that this was an amphetamine rush I likely would have spuraled into a nightmarish trip of concern for my physical safety. However this alleviated the anxiety I had and I begam to relax.
The colors man. No other psychedlic has ever displayed such a vibrant variety of colors like this before. My white walls showed zero signs of its original white colors as it was a constant flash of every color both within the imaginable realm amd the unimaginable. My computer screen shrunk down to a small size before later growing large.
English of which the letters I am familiar with became that of trying to read runes. The task of searching a so g on youtube or even just trying to get a video to pop up to cause sound became an incredibly challenging task which would rival even the most complicated expiraments within particle physics as I struggled to understand what the layout of youtube was or what the buttons meant. At some point I changed the language of my skype to Swahili, how this occured I have absolutely no clue but i became utterly obsessed with why I had this alien language on my skype and my skype friend had to patiently work through wtf I was talking about and to step by step guide me to switch the language back to English.
The visuals ever more becoming increasingly intense and all encompassing both CEVs and OEVs.
However before I was allowed to really enjoy the experience it was made clear to me that I had to work through something first. There had beem someone during that time in which I had feelings for and who I syruggled with accepting that it wasnt a reality that Would be accomplishable. First I heard her voice clear as day and then she was standing in front of me and the realness of it, the vividity was incredible. I started to feel deep emotion and begged the DOM spirit to take this away but it was a lesson I needed to face and after I did so it was like the substance said, hey youve done the class now get ready to have the best time of your life!
Shortly after this I started hearing a chant. Very steady and rhythmic. All of a sudden I was surrounded by these living trees and there were a whole bunch of smurf like entities around and holy fuckin shit they were so kind and sweet. They wanted to teach me to sing to the trees, that was the chant they were doing. I cant recall what it was for but the trees sure liked it. I have very very fond memories of those beings and i wish everyone could have a chance to meet them.
There were these rushes of the deepest most intense spiritual love that made lsds empathy, MDMAs love look like the potency of tobacco. Raw gushing pure unconditional love. So deep and powerful it took my breath away and i knew that no words no actions could every express that level of love.
I discovered the band Tame impala during this even and now that band will alwaya hold a special place in my heart.
Later on I tried to play the computer game counter strike global offensive with friends but i had no clue what was going on and I spent most of my time walking into a wall and having no clue that I was doing so much to the amusement of my sober team mates.
The come down was gentle, no hangover and it was easy to fall asleep after.
Ive taken 15mg 3 times and it remains my absolutely favorite substance.
Its visuals, emotions, spirituality ect has all suprassed every other psychedlic I have consumed regardless of dose. Its been several years since I have taken it so there is plenty which i dont recall now but hopefully this works as a semi decent summary of the substance as there is not very much reports on the chemical out there. Ill be happy to answer any questions I can should there be any.
Posted in: Other Psychedelics