The Mushroom Man
by on April 7, 2019
So one night in December 2018 while I was home alone I decided I was going to do some acid I had gotten the week before. I'm not 100% sure what the mics were but I already knew these to be stronger than your average street acid.
I decided to take 2 at first. About ten minutes later as I'm smoking a bowl I decide that I'm just gonna go for it. So I ate the other 8 hits.
I was watching fear and loathing and I peaked well before the movie was over.
At first my walls began to breathe slightly. This slowly built for a brief time until suddenly everything in my vision fractalized. Everything was moving. I could hear my movie still, but it was very slow and echoed. My couch somehow became a boat and I was adrift in a vast sea and the skies were a Grey that I instinctively knew to be industrial.
Eventually I wind up on a volcanic island. There are embers flying through the air like snow. I instinctively know that I must make it to the center of the island so I start through the jungle pass.
The jungle was fantastic and I can't even begin to describe it. The colors, the shapes of plants and there were weird hybrid creatures. I distinctly remember a monkey with an anteater nose.
Anyways I make it to the center of the island, there's a beautiful golden light I can not see through and I kneel before it. A voice from within the light spoke to me inside my head.
The light told me that I had a lot to offer mankind if I could figure out how I could be of service.
I asked what I could possibly offer. I insisted that I was nobody, had nothing.
The light told me to learn how to read my soul and to find her when I had.
I was back in my triproom but I wasn't, everything blurred out into nothingness and I was nowhere, nothing, and I was there for an eternity. Eventually I started coming down and I went to sleep. My legs were sore the whole next day and I was extremely sensitive to light and sound. Feeling easily overwhelmed and possibly crazy.
For sure the most acid I've ever taken in my life
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Good luck 1f642.png .
Like April 7, 2019
Sounds wild man. From the prospective of Jungian Psychology your voice closely resembled an encounter with the unconscious specifically the anima. The goal for many is to build a relationship with (her) and to learn to communicate and understand its perspective. From that alone can we become a whole... View More
Like April 7, 2019
The Mushroom Man
All I know is that I have been working on my writing ever since. And I have been trying meditation. It was profound to me and left a lasting impression
Like April 7, 2019