by on August 9, 2019
Good evening beautiful souls, let me try to spin into words my second trip of the evening.
So about an hour/hour and half after the first round I decided to go into again.
The second launch:
Loaded .06 into the nectar collector hit it hard in one hoot. Held in handed the pipe in and exhaled. Nothing came out, Kim tried to hand me the pipe back to get the last whisp of smoke but I was already gone.
The room just completely collapsed in on me completely dissolved into nothing.
I was shown a scene where I was out and lucid and then snapped in then again this flashed. Sounded like the sound of glass just after impact not the shatter but the sound that follows. It felt like I was pushing through something. I was all tensed up (Kim has mentioned I was so tense and had a look of pure fear)she asked you ok, a voice on my left side said, he has lost all his blood it’s not him anymore it just his last neurones firing he’s gone. At that point I let go and gave in. I kind of pulled back a bit looked at my wife and said I’m glad your ok, she said you ok looked right through her and said I’m not here yet. My mind then was catapulted into this vast land of color and a mystical look this enormous long things (entities I think) were gracefully flying around. A couple came close and checked me out then faded back again. I was just looking around in complete awe. Like wow, I would have never thought something could be this wonderful. (Kim said when this was going on I was giggling and laughing and had a look of a child with wonder on my face)All started to fade so I opened my eyes my ceiling was covered in little symmetrical daffodils edged lit up like with tiny fiber optics of just crazy colours and just spinning, turning and dancing. I look at the foot of the bed at my wife who is really relieved I was alive and laughing with her. I felt so much love and warmth like well I have never felt before. She looked like a heavenly being her whole being was oozing colour like I could see her aura or something like that. Her face I could clearly see her third eye. Once I was grounded again I had to touch it. Truly amazing it took so much to process what happened still. It’s like stories are told linear. But it showed me a story that the linear was sectioned and stacked to tell me more faster of that makes any sense at all. The next day I would think about how I died there and the thoughts that went through my head the moments before indies and it still makes me tear up a bit. The joy that followed though can’t even be justified by words.
Trip length 20min after ripples are still felt.
The strange part is right as of now if I close my eyes I can’t see what I saw in there as well as I can if I just stare into the distance (now that’s fkt up)
There is more details but I didn’t want to get over complicated, but there are legs to this spider of sorts.
When I was younger I played with acid a couple times, mushrooms a pile of times. Had fun seen vapour trails, walls breath shit like that. My friends would say the seen cartoon characters and stuff. Never have I actually hallucinated and going into this I thought it might be like then, friends see things but I don’t.
Well my friends, I was completely wrong. I hope this didn’t bore you all. Please comment say hi, what ever you wish.
And thanks for taking time out of your day so I could tell you of mine.
Much love,
2 people like this.
Thank you
Like August 10, 2019
I insist, thank you. I personally appreciated the relativity to my own overall experiences.
Like August 10, 2019
Loved your narration
Like August 12, 2019
Very well written. Thanks for sharing!!
Like August 23, 2019