Trip Reports
Ok, here we go. I’ll start with the trip one, the maiden voyage. Setting all good, wife trip sitting. A first for both of us on what was about to transpire. Measure out .04g and heat up my nectar collector (worked great Btw thanks to all for all the added advise here) Took it all in one hit. Laid back and just like everyone says the room started to pixilate I would say looked like an old school dot matrix cartoon of sorts of that makes any sense. The traffic noise from out side started to skip and slow down like someone stopping a record while in play. I closed my eyes and off we go at first there was a voice in the back of my head that was wondering if I was still breathing, I wanted to come back and check. There was a voice in my left ear that said there he is ( to be fair though the tv was on not far from me and maybe influenced that, next trip that was excluded) While my eyes were closed there was a kaleidoscope tunnel twisting colours and shapes so bright and vivid. Then it changed to a huge hall or tunnel, I had no consept of my body but I was just looking Around like wow this is so freaking unreal. I have never actually hallucinated before, vape trails, wall breathing. But this was hold on your out of order for a bit lol.Total trip about 6 min, euphoric feeling and just wow about 30. This was trip one 1.5 hour later I tried the second. Totally different. Still sorting it out but was death beauty love. But I will get into that later. Much love to all, have wonderful safe day y’all.
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