Jeffrey Loubouski
by on July 2, 2019
Where to begin.
I've been tripping pretty steady since the early 90s. I am from Atlanta and history would prove out to show that one of the largest LSD operations was being run right across the street from Georgia Tech. He was a drop out in fact. We are talking millions of hits. So I got turned on really quick at a young age. It was easy to get then. As I had just returned from the Gulf it was an enlightening experience. I saw that all the things I felt were right (or wrong) were true..I set out West..away from just a downright racist place (its gotten worse).
I suffered from PTSD, major depression, etc etc. I held my first born in my hands as he died
Lets just say I took it hard.
I have had many suicide attempts.
1 worked.
So when I came back from that..I set out with a purpose. I got back into shape and hiked over 1000 miles on the PCT. Bounced around until I ended up in the Emerald Triangle. I suffered a pretty severe injury in Alaska so I was already keen on Medical Cannabis. And the rumor back then was that you could get it in California. My back had gone out and that was why I had stopped hiking. ( had 2nd surgery finally bout 10 yrs later yay US Healthcare).. So I had been turned onto LSD and boomers already..I'm an ol skool raver from the days when you had to know someone who knew someone..I've ran from the cops more than a few times at busted raves..
You youngsters have NO idea how hard it used to be to see Electronic music.
I will summate at this point. As there are still many miles to go before I 'sleep'.
I was at an academia party/orgy type in Arcata CA. Crazy cool town. I would check it out..its a Sassy place!
Wait, Where was I.
So. Long story short.
I got prankstered at this party.
Friend Told me it was honey oil.
( I still smoke on herb to this day)
Died right there on the couch right in front of everyone. I remember seeing the sound coming out of the TV. And Zippity Zap! Next thing I know I'm somewhere around the rings of Saturn moving at light the hum grew louder I moved more into the darkness until I reached the 'death by astonishment' point. I said fuck it. I been here before. I recognize this blissfully perfect darkness. I've been here before and I surrendered. I woke up.
Fast forward a 'few' years
DMT is my 'church' now.
I go whenever I want.
I have rediscovered myself thru it.
I am a spiritual guy. I study Zen, Taoism & Dudeism.
I play music.
I am at peace.
I attribute that to the fact that I now possess the knowledge and wisdom to 'die' whenever I choose. Being ready for death in Tao speak. That is a powerful tool to wage against the human condition. I can always go reset myself and tune in to the Grate Mother.
I will try to add more trips as we seek to go furthur.
I don't really do trip reports because I am not to sure mines over yet..And if it is ..well I will get on that right away. Life's the trip. Psychedelics are just the fun little Skittles you can eat along the way.
Taste the Rainbow.
Mind if I do a J?