Trip Reports
Where to begin.I've been tripping pretty steady since the early 90s. I am from Atlanta and history would prove out to show that one of the largest LSD operations was being run right across the street from Georgia Tech. He was a drop out in fact. We are talking millions of hits. So I got turned on really quick at a young age. It was easy to get then. As I had just returned from the Gulf it was an enlightening experience. I saw that all the things I felt were right (or wrong) were true..I set out West..away from just a downright racist place (its gotten worse).I suffered from PTSD, major depression, etc etc. I held my first born in my hands as he diedLets just say I took it hard.I have had many suicide attempts.1 worked.So when I came back from that..I set out with a purpose. I got back into shape and hiked over 1000 miles on the PCT. Bounced around until I ended up in the Emerald Triangle. I suffered a pretty severe injury in Alaska so I was already keen on Medical Cannabis. And the rumor back then was that you could get it in California. My back had gone out and that was why I had stopped hiking. ( had 2nd surgery finally bout 10 yrs later yay US Healthcare).. So I had been turned onto LSD and boomers already..I'm an ol skool raver from the days when you had to know someone who knew someone..I've ran from the cops more than a few times at busted raves..You youngsters have NO idea how hard it used to be to see Electronic music.I will summate at this point. As there are still many miles to go before I 'sleep'.I was at an academia party/orgy type in Arcata CA. Crazy cool town. I would check it out..its a Sassy place!Wait, Where was I.So. Long story short.I got prankstered at this party.Friend Told me it was honey oil.( I still smoke on herb to this day)Died right there on the couch right in front of everyone. I remember seeing the sound coming out of the TV. And Zippity Zap! Next thing I know I'm somewhere around the rings of Saturn moving at light the hum grew louder I moved more into the darkness until I reached the 'death by astonishment' point. I said fuck it. I been here before. I recognize this blissfully perfect darkness. I've been here before and I surrendered. I woke up. Fast forward a 'few' yearsDMT is my 'church' now.I go whenever I want.I have rediscovered myself thru it.I am a spiritual guy. I study Zen, Taoism & Dudeism.I play music.I am at peace.I attribute that to the fact that I now possess the knowledge and wisdom to 'die' whenever I choose. Being ready for death in Tao speak. That is a powerful tool to wage against the human condition. I can always go reset myself and tune in to the Grate Mother.I will try to add more trips as we seek to go furthur.I don't really do trip reports because I am not to sure mines over yet..And if it is ..well I will get on that right away. Life's the trip. Psychedelics are just the fun little Skittles you can eat along the way. Taste the Rainbow. Mind if I do a J?
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