Edward Scissorhands
by on June 26, 2019
Wow... what the fuck is this stuff?
Finally decided to give it a go one night all by myself. Since I was alone, I decided only to try a threshold dose. Eyeballed about 6 mg, and smoked it in my dab rig. (The bucket is now dedicated to deems only, since smoking shatter in it might provide more than I bargained for lol). Basically just had slight effects off it, just to familiarize myself with the feeling in attempt to work my way up to higher doses. Nothing spectacular... just had the feeling of being pulled from my body ever so slightly.
A few nights later, I had a friend over, and decided to try 10mg. This time it was a fair amount stronger than the first. Felt a strong body load, the room turned eerie, and it made me want to close my eyes. No visuals, just a distinct feeling of having my consciousness being pulled from my mind. In the background I could hear by buddy taking hits off his vape. I felt like shushing him, but something inside made me not want to speak. The experience lasted only about a minute or so, and there was a very very distinct feeling of hitting the peak, and descending past it. Then it was all over. Slight effects lingered for a few minutes after, which basically felt like a mild mushroom wave.
Fast forward to about a week later. A couple friends came over, (DMTworld users Akb and CUQKLDR) and we were all going to try it. This time I hit 23mg, and fuck... what a feeling.
Moments after taking the blast in a single hit of thick white vapor, I started the come up. This was way more intense than the previous 10mg I had. Seems more exponential to me rather than linear. Just noticed a very slight ringing in my ears, and the room became eerie once again. Consciousness pulled. Very little of my mind was still in my body. I closed my eyes, and I started to see what everyone writes about. The fractal patterns in my periphery, and straight ahead of me was what I would describe as something that looked like a water drop shape, slowly rotating, and bending. It too had the fractal patterns on it. It was so intense, I had my mouth open in absolute awe of what I was feeling. My eyes were wide open to match the facial expression of being in awe, but my eyelids were closed the whole time. Just briefly I opened them to see how the floor looked transparent with opaque layers, and immediately said fuck that, and re-closed them.
I started to see white in my periphery. Maybe even just the 4 corners of my peripheral, but it was bright. Like someone was shining a light in my face with my eyes closed, but the center remained dark. Moments later, I felt a single twitch in my body, which at the time I kinda thought was funny because I knew they had both seen it from the outside even though they didn't make a sound to indicate so... and they both respected my desire for silence during the trip. Then a very short while later, I felt I was coming back, and decided I was able to open my eyes. Things still looked strange, again like a strong mushroom wave. I was comfortable speaking at this point, but the only thing I had to say was "That was fucking crazy!!". I just kept on repeating it over and over and over. I didn't know what else to say. Even 10 minutes later I kept saying like... "What the FUCK was that??".
Still felt the underlying effects 20 minutes later, and decided to smoke a bit of weed. I wish I hadn't have done that, because it made me feel bad. Anxious. Panicky. I hope it was just the weed and not the coming down effects of the DMT. This was 4 days ago, and I still have the half joint left. I kind of lost the desire to even smoke weed anymore. But even beforehand, it was starting to make me anxious, and my consumption of it had decreased in recent years from a half oz a week, to about an ounce every 3 months or more.
Another thing I didn't mention was the terror of the experience. Just before peak, I remember thinking... what have I done? I didnt exactly want it to stop right away, but I just told myself that it'll run its course, and it will only be a few minutes before I'm back to normal, and just try to set the fear aside and absorb the experience. At the time I thought to myself: "I don't think I'll try this again"... but after the experience was over (maybe even midway through) I disagreed with myself. It was just the new unfamiliar feeling that was quite frightening. I knew I was safe the whole time...I just was not used to letting go of reality quite like that.
I will do it again, but I'll probably need at least a few weeks as it still feels like my brain is still processing it, even though it's not on my mind. Next time will probably just be the same size dose. I've been approaching this substance with caution and respect because of how powerful this really is... and I'm sure I only witnessed a fraction of what it has to offer.
Since the experience, my feelings of sadness and depression that I sometimes experience on a day to day basis have subsided. Not sure if this is because I've been merely busy with work, or if it's a consequence of the DMT.
Anyway, I know this was long. But feel free to comment. Always interested to hear what you people have to say.
Thanks for reading!! :)
(On a side note, the other 2 people I was with were also blown away and enjoyed themselves as well)
Posted in: DMT
18 people like this.
Edward Scissorhands
lol... thanks for all the replies! This place makes me feel right at home.
Like June 26, 2019
Hey buddy. You commented on my post earlier. What was eerie feeling? And did this only happen with your eyes open? I see you said about the weed. I used to smoke weed all the time but just suddenly stopped enjoying it and also started to get anxious and panicky on it.
Like July 2, 2019
Edward Scissorhands
It felt eerie on the comeup like a mushroom wave, just seeing the room dissolve into something different. Just makes you want to close your eyes. And I experienced the same thing off weed. Just don't feel like smoking it anymore.
Like July 2, 2019
What a ride!
Like July 6, 2019