by on June 23, 2019
So I received a pack of Atlantis truffles from Avalon in Holland, first time trying truffles, only ever done Cubensis before. I was unsure how much to take, so I settled for 12g, eaten straight from the fridge with dark chocolate. After 30 minutes the effects start, everything is brighter, more colourful, and I’m in a good mood, I lay on my sofa in my conservatory, watching the outside world. After an hour and a half after ingesting, I think fuck it I’ll take the rest, another 4 grams, the pack was actually 16.4 grams. At this point I decide to go and lay on my bed, listen to some shamanic meditation music. Close my eyes to see what the visuals are like, the visuals were strange, nothing like shrooms, not so much geometric patterns, more of a natural feel, kind of there, but not. No symmetry to the visuals, just odd shapes. I soon get bored of the music. I get off the bed, walk to my bedroom window, and stare outside. I then start thinking about certain things in my life, I recently had some bad news, my landlord is selling up, and I have 2 months to find somewhere to live.
Then it happened, I started to cry, I cried for maybe 30 minutes, I cried like I did when I was a child, and my god did it feel good. I keep my emotions inside, always have done, but this was such a massive release, with each tear running down my face, I could feel a sense of relief, it felt so good. In those 30 minutes I let it all out, all the baggage, everything inside that was built up, came out.
At this point I’m at just over mid point of the trip, so I decide, as I’m feeling really good after the release of emotions, to take some dmt.
One hit from my vape, approx 20mg, lay back and close my eyes, oh fuck, I’m in a alien world, the machines are building the world bit by bit ( it looks similar to minecraft) the blocks of this world are being assembled before my eyes, everywhere I look. I get scared, I open my eyes, shit where has my bedroom gone, the only thing I recognise is my cat laying next to me. Shut my eyes again, back in to the minecraft world, constantly changing, being built and reassembled. Eventually the dmt wears off, and the visuals become beautiful, visions of female faces, snakes and jaguars.
Then the trip becomes uncomfortable, I get body ache, headache, negative thoughts, this is at about 4 hours in, I feel I’ve had enough and I want it to end. I decide to vape some weed, which takes the edge off, get in my bed, and not long after fall asleep.
I’ve just woke up 7 hours later, and I feel so good, it was a rough ride last night. But yet again, the psychedelics gave me what I need, not what I want. I needed to cry, I never cry, and last night, it has never felt so good to cry.
Posted in: DMT, Psilocybin
11 people like this.
Not for one minute, before, and going in to the trip, did I think that would happen. It just came from nowhere, tears of sadness, thinking about my life the last 10 years, but also tears of joy, it just felt so amazing to cry, it’s been so long, I forgot what it feels like. So needed, and probably w... View More
Like June 23, 2019
Windswept Eyes
Like June 23, 2019
That’s heroic. The rewards of adventure.
Like June 23, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
Fucking A, Man.
Like June 23, 2019