by on May 30, 2023
This was all done at 2130 (9:30 pm) and after fasting all day. I think these two steps are crucial for maximizing the experience.
I took half of the dose as tea (10g) and the other half in a pb sandwich (10g) within a few minutes. That might’ve been the mistake. This was the first trip where I did half fruit half powder. I usually do it all as a tea.
First thing that started was my body switching back and forth between changing into some sort of lizard and a cat. Made me curious if we come from an ancient advanced race of lizards or cats?!? Any thought is valid in these states lol.
Next part I got to feel/have/witness the thoughts and actions of the most fucking evil people in the world (hitler types). It felt like they were trying to show me what humans are capable of and how that evil is in all of us. I don’t want to share too much about what they showed me but just for an idea I was essentially at the concentration camps. Not as a prisoner…
Somewhere during this I got to feel the immense power that lies within us but we have no idea how to tap into it. (God Complex)
After that I remember trying to go to the bathroom cause I felt like I had to puke or was poisoned and I blacked out as I was crouching down to the toilet. Luckily I placed my hands down otherwise I would’ve bashed my face on the seat ????????
I woke up and was trying to tell if the trip was over or not. I started feeling my mouth cause my teeth felt weird and as I did that my hand literally started melting as I touched my face. Everything started melting, my teeth were falling on to the ground, and I basically just collapsed into a puddle of mush (not mushrooms lol). I was like “oh that’s great” (Trying to stay positive so the trip didn’t spiral more. Failed effort).
After that death I woke up again and felt like I had to vomit but couldn’t so I basically suffocated and got to experience some sort of asphyxiation type of death. The third death was me being held underwater by what felt like a wave.
For the people that say they don’t see anything with their eyes open, my eyes were open this whole time.
These 3 deaths were on repeat for what seemed like maybe 1.5 hours? Kind of hard to tell when you die like 40+ times.
I woke up again and this time I was just laying on my stomach having flashbacks (on repeat) to all the people that warned me to be careful. Also it would pause on each person i knew and tell/show me how I’ve been a piece of shit to them and neglected that friendship. It was pretty emotional realizing how much of an asshole I am and that they all warned me. Worst part was that I realized I was going to be be permanently stuck in this state. I got it in my head that I knew I took mushrooms but that I went too far and this was my reward. I pretty much bundled myself up into the corner of the bathroom and had a full on psychotic break. I was rocking in the corner of my bathroom squeezing myself as hard as I could since I was coming to terms with being stuck in this reality and this was my life now. While sitting there rocking back and forth the walls around me and every single person I knew and loved deteriorated into a white nothingness. It was as if they got digitized and permanently erased.
I just fell over to my side and gave in to it all was like well this actually might be my death right now. As the walls/white nothingness got closer to me I could hear someone tell me to “get the fuck up”. I have no idea who it was but I really feel like it saved me from losing my mind. It snapped me somewhat out of the trip. It also said you need to recreate/rebuild your reality. I started with the bathroom and imagined what it looked like. It started to re appear out of the white nothingness. Then I pretended to go through my normal routine of getting ready in the morning. Putting close on etc. Next I had to think about every person I interact with on a daily basis and what my relationship is with them. This felt like several hours worth of work but after I finished I took off my normal clothes and got back in bed.
Last thing I remember them saying was “You fought the Tiger and won” after that I passed out.
I woke back up and it was about 4am. I was fully sober at this time and felt like a fucking king/god.
It was an incredibly humbling experience and the fucked up part is that I would do it again. For me it is fascinating that you can experience an infinite death loop(kept dying the same 3 ways over and over again), psychosis, and feel how strong we truly are all in one horrifically beautiful trip. Blows my mind that a simple fungus can give you an experience like that in a relatively safe way (not for everyone but for me).
It gave me a whole new respect for people that deal with stuff like that(schizophrenia) on a daily basis. I don’t blame them at all for trying whatever they can get to pull them out of that.
Again please be safe people and thank you for reading my trip report. I’ll be posting some of my 10-15g trips soon but I just wanted to get this one out there first since it as the most impactful trip I’ve had to date.
Mush love
Posted in: Psilocybin
15 people like this.
Fantastic report! Harrowing experience but holy shit you have a lot of material and symbols to unpack. Sometimes these rough rides are a gift. How sweet is every breath now that you are back? Does it send chills down your spine as you feel it enter you and spread out then exit? I would love i... View More
Like June 2, 2023
So this trip was last November. Not gonna lie I was pretty broken for like 2 months
Like June 3, 2023
7 month is a good amount of time to process. How is your functioning and outlook today?
Like June 3, 2023
hmmm relatively negative. I’m in a weird place right now. I want to change career paths and get out of my relationship so there’s a lot of big decisions I need to make and I’m having a hard time with that. I’ve become too comfortable
Like June 3, 2023