Trip Reports
So after arriving at the cabin, my girlfriend and I jumped out of her car with great excitement and anticipation to explore the vast and huge wooden cabin vacation home located in the blue ridge mountains. Coupled with a clean and beautiful stream running parallel along the side of the home this place seemed primed for a good vacation for a couple.Being that this is nothing new for us, due to the fact that it's tradition for us every year to take at least 2 to 3 trips to get out the box to unfamiliar land is something we enjoy doing.Anyways,After unpacking and making a store run to the local in town Walmart,we decided not to do too much because we were both beginning to feel a little tired because we got up really early and as the day started coming to an end our energy started to come down.I felt this was a perfect time to go down to the seating area along the river and use the time to blend in with nature.I politely asked my girlfriend did she want to join me in a stress relieving exercise and I asked her to follow my lead as I introduced her to the Wim Hof breathing techniques.. however before that took place,I took a grind jar and grinded up some tidalwave and rolled a joint of some very potent black blasted wax and rolled it up around the joint..We took in the drink and began the breathing exercises...Between rounds I asked her was she comfortable and I checked on her to make sure she was feeling good.She told me she felt alot of stress leaving her body and I nodded in aggreement with a smile .After the breathing session we began to reminsce on the times of our lives and it felt like we were bonding more,relaying experiences to one another.This was a great time to finish off the session with the joint and we did.. Afterwards we began to talk deeply, briefly but then proceeded to our usual behavior of cracking jokes and being silly..It was beautiful y'all...I wasn't looking to get high I was looking forward to a release and bond and we did...All in all I microdose tidalwave because it keeps me incredibly focused and grounded just off 2gs a day one in the morning and one in the afternoon..Im quite sure if I up my dose I would trip for sure but I'd like to use this strain to keep me mentally sharp and keep my emotional instability from time to time in check when I have panic attacks...Hope this helps you all for whomever reads this.Mush Love and Respect to you all. Again Thankyou for befriending me and interacting with me in this group,it means more than you know..Shout Out to my guide "C"..
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