by on September 22, 2021
At 10pm I took two hits of some really good acid and then I had the opportunity to try dmt for the first time. I was about 2 hours into my trip and while I was catching nice visuals and having a great body load, I was in totall control and excited to experience blasting off, if possible.
The pipe was pre loaded by a friend who gave me a trial run (at 10:30) and a complete run through earlier that evening. I had smoked a little dmt then so this wasn't technically my first time, but it was my first with plenty to blast off.
I put on some music and took two big hits. I knew the third was the important one so I dug deep and got it in. The last thing I remember is setting down the lighter.
Music went distant, then to a hum, then silence. I felt like I was moving at light speed with no visual to match just a propelled sense of movement that brought me into a new space with the music I had on being the soundtrack to this new space.
I felt that I might of died. I was at peace with that. Full acceptance. (*That bothered me after tbh. The reality is my kids need me. I wouldn't want to die doing drugs.*)
The feel was somewhat rave like. I wasn't expecting that. I didn't feel alone but totally was. The lights and reflections pulsed with the music.
Everything was a mirror reflecting inself in geometric patterns on the sides and ceiling. I was prepared for that.
The front was an image or mirror of myself with unknown animal faces surrounding. It wasn't me, but it was clearly my image. My image in a stained glass sort of way. I was not prepared for this. I recall thinking "I might be an entity", and being uncomfortable with that proposition. That was my last thought for several minutes. Everything else was just me holding onto what was left of reality.
The music was the fabric that held this together. The lyrics were the message... "This is your life, you've done this before, this is your life, this is your life. This is your life, you've done this before..."
Everything, including this brightly pulsating madala stained glass of myself and animals around it were breathing, moving and even understanding our meaning of life due to this music.
It didn't quickly fade. It felt like 30 minutes but it was only 15 or so. The sides came in focus first. The madala image was burned into my eyes long after the reflection of myself faded.
The music didn't stop but I'm unable to find that track again. I think I found it, but the lyrics are not the same. So I'm still puzzled on that. My jaw was open. I drooled all over myself. I was pretty shook.
Overall it was a wild experience. Positive, eye opening, interesting. The acid helped, I'm sure.
I spent the next 12 hours or so working through what had happened. My final take aways are that I don't care to do it again.
Here's why: I'm not comfortable with the idea of losing all sense of space and time. I don't like smoking something. I felt a snake like spirit on me after, (that could have been the acid). That's why I leave the door open for one more try. Without other drugs involved, if everything lines up right, I'll try again. Otherwise, I'm good.
That's my experience and this is the first time I've shared it. Thanks for reading.
Open to thoughts and questions.
Love and light.
Posted in: DMT
Topics: first dmt
14 people like this.
Thanks for the report fellow squirrel. Understand completly but like others said no other drugs next time. Ive never, but have the resources. Just need someone to watch over me. My buddy took a job halfway accross the country and he's the only one I would trust. So Im at a standstill. Btw Ive used u... View More
Like September 22, 2021
Or better, smoke Chānga… don’t mix.
Like September 22, 2021
Thanks for sharing , wonderful trip report. Ive had similar thenes too, but can imagine what 3 big dmt hits would be on two big hits of acid! Ive had a small hit on one tab and that was wild! Your insight thatvit was a reflection of you is posibly a manifestion of divine non dual truth. You are ever... View More
Like September 22, 2021
Most of my experiences are unpleasant, sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it, yet I always return, can't resist the temptation to stare straight into the strangest thing that is. Risks are very low. There is something there to be faced, if not now, later
Like October 26, 2021