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Male. Lives in Netherlands. Is single.
Psiconauti (IT)
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My 2nd flushhhh
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When you pick your mushrooms from a flush do u cut the stem and let ut grob back or how does it work ?
Like October 12, 2019
And where will the second flush frow from the myselium ?
Like October 12, 2019
shared a few photos
My boys, i took this pic two weeks ago. In the 1st flush i harvested 200g fresh. now i put pasteurized bat guano to give strengh to the micelium. In the second pic you can see the second flush now
The ... View More

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The strain are common here in my country. All the shop of spores have. Is come from the netherlands growshops or that say the sellers.
Like October 12, 2019
@Dreamwalker can you clone straight to LC?
Like October 12, 2019
You can clone straight to LC but it's more risky. You just need a glove box or a flowhood and good steril technique. Tear the mushroom in half lengthwise and take a small piece of tissue from the middle of the mushroom. No bigger than a grain of rice. Drop in into the LC or onto agar. The benefi... View More
Like October 12, 2019
When your dealing with a microscopic world it helps to have a macroscopic mind.
Like October 12, 2019
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Like July 27, 2019
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