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Male. Lives in Spain. Is single.
by on July 12, 2020
OMG, I don't know where to start or even how too. unsure whether this is a trip report or even if this is the right place for this, but maybe needs tagging in the mental health group as well, but here goes. I decided to take 5g of Pez Amazonians my previous amount was 2.5g to try and chase my previous trip and to explore the wormhole I had glimpsed Everything started as normal but I soon noticed that the feelings were far more intense, this I expected and I thought I could just ride it out...
114 views 7 likes
by on July 7, 2020
My first Trip report It had been a relaxing start to the day as planned, a little housework, light breakfast, held back from my normal 3 large mugs of strong Colombian beans for a middle of the road blend. Outside the sun was starting to climb to its highest point, not long now, remain chilled and finish the last preparations for a large piece of topside steak to be smoked on the bbq with a homemade Texan spice rub once my journey had ended. ...
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