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by on June 12, 2021
3rd- Waiting Room Setting Up- 0.04g in a MOTAR vape (first time using, didn't get the full dose). Solo. Meditated. Nervous. Blasting Off- Everything is like a cartoon. Space is infinite and void. There is nothing. But on top of the nothing are glowing lines of light. The light seems physically solid. Mostly shades of red. The lines form the outline of a room and all the things that are in it. I understand that there is a solid plane where the wall should be... its just maid out of void. Th...
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by on February 1, 2021
I have tried two separate times to consume 0.06g of DMT.  This stuff is difficult. I did not understand how truly powerful this substance is... while inhaling the first toke there is an immediate sensation of increased energy... like the intensity of existence gets cranked through the roof... it makes consuming the whole dose daunting. First attempt I was able to get maybe a toke and a half before the room and the view outside became multiple overlays of slightly different colored viewpoin...
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by on July 18, 2020
Background: As this is my first trip report posted I'll give a bit of backstory... I started my journey as a psychonaut in the later years of High School when Salvia was still legal and I was instantly enthralled with the concept of being able to experience realities above and below the one to which we are born.  About a year later I started using cannabis at least daily and would continue to do so for the better part of the next decade.  About a year after seriously starting to use cannabis ...
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