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by on May 11, 2021
Hey so I'm on a mix of these 3 and the thing I learned in that state permanently changed reality for me as to where even when I sober up I can't stop astral projecting and I'm going off about how particles work and can't experience reality the same anymore, ive basically become a shawman
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by on January 2, 2021
So this happend last night, I took 240mgs of cordicin hbp cough and cold and 10mgs of ambein. It started out as a strange unfamiliar yet familiar feeling Visuals were light but heavy body load and I ended up falling asleep on it, i don't necessarily wanna call it a dream because it was like my soul was seeing super clearly. So I was in a dark blue ish 2D corridor which at the same time was 4D (hard to explain) that was stacked ontop of one another and I was going through trying to find my consci...
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by on May 27, 2020
I had the best experience on that, the indica took away some of the dxms visual effects but you still feel like you took dxm with a psychedelic and i am the happiest I've ever been and appreciate life so much more, and when I meditated I felt like an 11D being not bound to 3 dimensions... and music i can feel everything from it
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