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Male. Lives in Dallas, United States. Born on December 31, 1999. Is in a relationship.
by on March 10, 2022
Whew!!! Wowsers!!! Boy boy boy!!! Where do I start with these things here..So I'm in my production studio making music and I decide to partake in 11 grams of chitwan,hell it was my bday.. I was hyped, and ready to blast off!!..so it was on.. ...
202 views 9 likes
by on March 6, 2022
So after arriving at the cabin, my girlfriend and I jumped out of her car with great excitement and anticipation to explore the vast and huge wooden cabin vacation home located in the blue ridge mountains. Coupled with a clean and beautiful stream running parallel along the side of the home this place seemed primed for a good vacation for a couple. Being that this is nothing new for us, due to the fact that it's tradition for us every year to take at least 2 to 3 trips to get out the box to un...
89 views 1 like
by on March 4, 2022
I don't usually trip much like I did when I first started, but last night was my first trip in about 3 months.I took some freshly harvested fruits from my flush, dehydrated them,and took 2gs..I made sure I fasted for 48 hours so I could feel the onset fast off the lemon Tek..Next I rolled up some gas, threw it back, and it kicked in really quick.. Being that Tidalwave4 is a mix of APE and B+ I was looking for trip traits that come with this strain Since I have experience with each strain individ...
154 views 9 likes
by on February 22, 2022
Weekend night,chilling as usual,bored.... Decided to listen to some music on YouTube to lighten the mood....Reach in the cpu desk,grab a about 6gs of Amazonian Pes and roll a super gassed out blunt with a roll of wax on it. Lemok Tekked it ,threw it back like a shot glass and proceeded to smoking because usually smoking induces the effects pretty swiftly over this way. Something else also is done in these parts are, while waiting for the effects to kick in..One likes to go to YouTube and smoke...
149 views 5 likes