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Andres Forzan

Hare Krishna!. Lives in Mazunte, Mexico. Born on April 5, 2002.
by on August 17, 2022
Me and my friend we smoked DMT in front of the ocean a couple of days ago. We meditated for a little while and consecrated first. After I smoked, I could only feel the expansion of love and light. The density of the human body has increased over time. Our bodies are really full of light and used to be much more ethereal than they are now. As I reached my hands up into the beautiful sky full of stars in front of the roaring ocean, I could feel how light my body really is. There is so much space ...
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by on July 14, 2022
I could not stop laughing this Monday when I smoked 5-MeoDMT. Life is a joke. You’re not supposed to take it so seriously. Laughed so hard that all I felt was bliss, I could only feel my bliss body ‘Anandamaya Kosha’. The sun was directly in my face, I could feel the light of The Lord shining through me. I was laughing and crying, rolling all over the pine leaves. All in front of a beautiful green lake, full of life, full of prana. Extremely grateful with God for this blessing. This is the trip ...
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